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About Our Cause

The St Francis Kromme Enviro-Trust is a registered Public Benefit Organisation (PBO reference number 930038246) concerned with environmental issues in the greater St Francis area.

The Trust was established in 1981 by a committee of volunteers headed by Lindy Pagden. Decades later, the Enviro-Trust’s role is just as vital today as when it was formed.

Our Mission:

  • to encourage and promote environmental awareness in the Greater St Francis area
  • to preserve and protect the environment and amenities for the benefit of future generations
  • to encourage the preservation of all flora and fauna, shell-fish, sea life and bird life in the area, and the appropriate use of Public Open Space, coastal areas and nature reserves

What makes Greater St Francis unique?

  • Botanically we fall within the Cape Floral Kingdom, and our unique vegetation in this area is referred to as St Francis Fynbos / Thicket Mosaic.
    • The Cape Floral Kingdom into which we fall is the smallest of the Earth’s six Cape Floral Kingdoms –home to 9000 plant species, 70% of which grow nowhere else in the world.
  • We lie at the mouth of the Kromme River estuary. Tides expose and cover the large sand bank twice a day.
  • St Francis is flanked by the Oyster Bay Dunefield, one of the finest examples in the world of a by-pass headland dune system. The headland dune system contains Late Stone Age middens and Middle Stone Age artefacts.
  • The Sand River flows through the Oyster Bay Dunefield.
Our Projects
Wildlife Sanctuary

Wildlife Sanctuary

We have established an enclosure where sick or injured wildlife can be observed and treated for short periods before being released back into the wild.    Up to now our vets have had to release wildlife immediately after treatment, which is often premature and not the...

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Ocean Museum

Ocean Museum

The Ocean Museum is situated in the Heritage Centre at the bottom of Harbour Road at Granny’s Pool and is a project of the Enviro-Trust. The building originally housed the NSRI operational centre and launch site of the rescue boat and is situated in one of the most...

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Environmental Monitoring

Environmental Monitoring

Development brings employment, economic growth and better living standards to a community.   But sometimes it brings environmental damage and destruction with it.   An important part of the Enviro-Trust's work is to evaluate the environmental impacts of proposed...

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Community Garden

Community Garden

A peaceful green oasis, the Community Garden nestles between St Francis Bay village and Santareme. A haven for birds and for little creatures like chameleons, frogs and skinks, it is a resource to treasure.

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The Two Harbours Walk

The Two Harbours Walk

The Two Harbours Walk allows residents and holiday makers access to the outstandingly attractive section of shoreline along the bay of St Francis. In 2000 the municipality granted the Enviro-Trust permission to create this trail on public open space provided that we...

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Coastal Clean-up

Coastal Clean-up

Annual coastal clean-up day takes place on the third Saturday in September.   It is a global initiative that we are proud to be a part of.   Volunteers around the world have participated in the day's efforts since 1986, cleaning up litter and debris around the coast...

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Help us

  • We are totally dependent on membership fees and donations to enable us to fund the projects we are involved with.
  • To ensure that all our beautiful walks and gardens are maintained
  • To help us to care for and preserve the Greater St Francis Area from an ecological and marine perspective.
  • We are extremely grateful for all the support we receive from our members and the community.
  • The St Francis Kromme Enviro-Trust is a registered Public Benefit Organization and donations are tax deductible. (PBO reference number 930038246.)