Caution is advised on all walks as even St Francis is not crime-free. We recommend that you walk with at least one companion and leave your valuables at home.
Two Harbours Walk
A relatively easy walk of just over 2km along a lovely stretch of coastline, via rocks and beach and sandy paths. The trail, created by the Enviro-Trust in 2000
A Walk on the Wild Side
An easy out-and-back walk of anything up to 9km along the coast from Cape St Francis
Cape St Francis Nature Reserves
There are trails within all the Cape St Francis nature reserves, some winding through the fynbos and some along the sandy or rocky shores.
Kromme River Walk
This pretty 2km walk can be accessed from two points on Sunset Drive.
Sand River
This walk is tough and demanding. It is really best done as part of the Chokka Trail, when you can walk with the flow of the sand from Oyster Bay to St Francis Bay.
The Look Out Point
This is one of St Francis Bay’s little known treasures. Well worth a visit, the view is amazing.
Port St Francis to Shark Point
The out-and-back walk from Port to trig beacon is about 4km and the beach loop adds about another kilometre.