This is a unique corner of South Africa, environmentally.    It has extraordinary plant-life, wildlife and marine life, all waiting to be discovered by visitors and residents.   It is not exaggerating to call it a treasure trove.

The Enviro-Trust published a booklet titled Our Coastal Treasure in 1985 and updated it in 2001 and in 2011.   Moving into the digital age, we have now updated it again – online.

Whatever you’re interested in, you can find out more about it here.  Just click on the links  on the left.

Who put the Coastal Treasure information together? Authors and editors:

Mammals: Alison Bosman
Plant Life: Margie Middleton in consultation with Caryl Logie
Bird Life: Truus Hedding in consultation with Yvonne Bosman
Rocky Shores and Rock Pools: Alison Bosman
History: John Suckling (ed.)
Shipwrecks: Truus Hedding in consultation with Dave Bowmer
Sand River and the Dunefields: Maggie Langlands
Kromme River: John Suckling
St Francis Chokka: Truus Hedding (ed.), Warwick Sauer (author)